Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot - Derelict Manchester:

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Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot

<img src="Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot near halifax.jpeg" alt=" urban exploring uk, underground places around yorkshire">
<img src="Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot near halifax.jpeg" alt=" urban exploring uk, underground places around yorkshire">
The main entrance off Danny Lane, Luddenden foot..

<img src="Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot near halifax.jpeg" alt=" urban exploring uk, underground places around yorkshire">
Entrance 1

I was unable to obtain the full details, of the site, but someone told me the shelters were for the workers at the mill that was situated within proximity.
I was told  the location would have been a  prime target, as the factory produced components  for the War Department.
These structures contain  five entrances  that go down a series of five steps the internal dimensions are 30ft long x 10 feet wide, height..9ft. At an estimate I would say the shelter is only five feet underground, however, the structure is embedded into a small hill, along with  sections of stone walling on the exterior whether this was utilised as additional buffering.

<img src="Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot near halifax.jpeg" alt=" urban exploring uk, underground places around yorkshire">
Roof  of Shelter
<img src="Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot near halifax.jpeg" alt=" urban exploring uk, underground places around yorkshire">
Inside the first shelter

<img src="Air Raid Shelter, Luddenden Foot near halifax.jpeg" alt=" urban exploring uk, underground places around yorkshire">
Second shelter

Tik Tok Clip

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