Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire - Derelict Manchester:

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Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire


<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

Round Barn Quarry initially started off as a much smaller stone delf that occupied the western half of the quarry we see today. Both the modern quarry and the old delf are located on the site of much smaller and older quarries that are of unknown date.

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

Working from at least the early part of the 19th Century stone was hauled down an inclined plane from Round Barn Delf, to a small railway siding in the valley below, marked Walton’s Siding on maps. It seems the quarry was disused for a while towards the end of the century.

In the early part of the 20th Century the Delf was worked once more and a tramway was installed down to the railway. I believe the old haulage and later tramway were situated above the current footpath on the tall stone structure on the left leading up to the quarry. A few years later the tramway was abandoned and a “mineral railway” was installed probably on the site of the actual footpath, below the stone causeway. More sidings were added, both within the quarry - which was extended to its current size - and at Walton’s Sidings down the hill.

<img src="Round Barn Quarry near Entwistle Lancashire.jpeg" alt=" mines and quarries near Manchester">

At the height of its production, the quarry contained several large buildings, some structures being supported on towers of large stone blocks. I’d imagine this was to enable stone to be loaded into train carts below. The stone blocks are probably examples of the produce of the quarry, and the some of the buildings were probably used for processing and dressing stone....

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